This is the blue lock tbau hub script that contains awesome features like ESP ball, Jump, aim lock ball and many others that are helpful in playing the blue lock roblox game.
This blue lock script is compatible with xeno execuator and we have checked this script manually with the xeno.
This is also a key less script. you dont need to find keys manually. As on xeno, we always provide key less scripts for facility of roblox players.
Below are the features of script
Script features
1. Script:
- Pvp
- Inf stamina
- Grab ball
- Teleport delay
- Bring ball [Gui]
- Aimlock ball

2. ESP Ball:
- Esp box
- Esp tracer
- Esp ball
- Color
- Esp distance

3. ESP:
- Esp player
- Esp enable
- Esp name

4. Players:
- CFrame speed
- Speed value
- Jump
- Jump value
- Inf jump

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