This Fisch script is an updated and new script that has awesome features like auto shake, shake method, auto sell, sell all and many other features.
This script is also compatible with xeno executor and you can just copy, paste and use this script without using any keys.
Below are the features of this script:
Script features
Main Tab Features:
- Anti-AFK: Prevents the player from being marked as AFK.
- Auto Sell Fish: Automatically sells your fish.
- Selling All Fish Every X Seconds: Set a timer to sell fish.
- Sell One Fish: Sells one fish manually (requires holding the fish).
- Sell All Fish: Sells all fish anywhere.
Teleports Tab:
- Place Teleport: Choose a location to place a teleport point.
- Fish Area Teleport: Quickly teleport to fishing areas.
- Teleport to NPC: Includes options like:
- Roslit Keeper
- FishingNpc_1
- FishingNpc_2
- FishingNpc_3
- Henry
- Daisy.
- Teleport to Items: Navigate to specific item locations.
Misc Tab:
- Player Features:
- Noclip: Pass through objects.
- Infinity Oxygen: Unlimited oxygen for underwater tasks.
- FPS Services:
- FPS Cap: Limit the frame rate.
- Enable FPS Cap Button.
- Black Screen: Toggles a black screen.
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