This native fisch script is equiped with a bundle of awesome features and options like Auto Fish (AKA: Auto Cast), Auto Drop Bobber, and Auto Shake, along with advanced controls such as Auto Reel, Auto Perfect Reel.
Keys are required to use this script. also its difficult to get the key because of three check points in key system. However script is good.
This script is also compatible with xeno executor.
Script features
- Auto Balance Nuke
- Auto Fish (AKA: Auto Cast)
- Auto Drop Bobber
- Auto Shake
- Shake Method (Configurable)
- Auto Reel
- Auto Perfect Reel
- Freeze Character
- Auto Equip Rod
- Equip Rod Event Zone (Configurable)
- Equip Rod if Event Zone (Configurable)
- Non-Blatant Fishing
- Legit Fishing

- Auto Accept Offer
- Auto Sell All
- Inventory Options (e.g., If Fish, Weight Over, Weight Under)
- Use Totem
- Use Totem at Whenever (Configurable)
- Use Totem at Day (Configurable)
- Appraise Items
- Appraise based on weight, size, or traits
- Appraise conditions:
- Until Weight Over (kg)
- Until Weight Under (kg)
- Until Coins Under
- Until Size
- Until Trait

- Walk on Water
- Hide Level & Coins
- Radar Everywhere
- Disable Oxygen
- Disable Oxygen Peaks
- Disable Temperature
- Anti AFK

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