This is Fisch roblox script by flow that includes a lot of awesome features to enhance the gameplay. You can use Auto equip rod, Auto reel, Auto shake and sell fish in hand etc.
Flow fisch script is compatible with xeno executor and we have also verified on xeno executor and its working perfectly. Its a keyless script that you can use anytime.
Below are the features of the script:
Script features
General Settings
- Speed
- Jump Power
- Gravity
- Field of View
- FPS Cap
- Zoom
- Instant Prompt
- Respawn (Risky)
- Sell All Fish
- Sell Fish in Hand

- None
- Instant Teleport
- Safe Tween
World Events
- None
- Instant Teleport
- Safe Tween
- Auto Appraise (450 C!)
- Set limits:
- Coins under a specific number
- Weight over a specific number
- Attribute filtering
- Items: None
- Purchase Item
Crab Cages
- Active Cages: 0
- Auto Place Cages
- Auto Collect Cages
- None
- Instant Teleport
- Safe Tween
Treasure Map
- Teleport to Jack Marr
- Repair Maps
Vaultcord Integration
- Copy Invite (
- Auto Equip Rod
- Auto Cast
- Auto Shake
- Auto Reel
- Freeze Character

- Spawns:
- None
- Instant Teleport
- Safe Tween
- Spots:
- None
- Instant Teleport
- Safe Tween
Copy script
i dont like it it cold usee soome work